Scenic Maine?
We awoke to yet more fog on Sunday the 9th. Maine is so scenic, they said!
I made some coffee and settled in with my Kindle. Cecelia worked on some rainbow loom bracelets and decided to make one for Patrick too.

Mid-morning we checked to see what it was like outside…I think it got worse.

We decided to check the oil for the engine. It was a little low so we added some. Cecelia made a sign for the aft head.

We were starting to feel a little stir crazy. But then, lo and behold, around 1:00, the skies seemed to clear! We decided to make a break for it. As we weighed anchor, we realized there was a line caught on the flukes…probably attached to a friendly lobster pot near our anchoring spot. After much futzing with the anchor, the line, and a boat hook, Patrick managed to slip the line off and we were free to leave. Whew!
We decided to head for Sebasco, but we didn’t get to sail as there was just not enough breeze. I drove for the first half of the trip, and then Patrick took over. The fog was not bad at first, but then really closed in around us for a while (no pictures, because I was driving!) It just disappeared entirely when we got closer to our destination. Fog is weird!

Due to a course charting mishap, we wound up actually turning into the cove before Sebasco harbor on accident. It was a happy accident, though, as it was quite picturesque – I think it was called Carrying Place Cove? We took some photos and then did a 180 and headed back out to find the right entrance.

We arrived at Sebasco Harbor Resort, picked up a mooring and headed to shore. Laundry was the first order of business. We also managed to get onto some useful wifi thanks to a nice staff member, and Cecelia took a brief dip in their saltwater pool (pronounced too cold).

Laundry was super efficient and we were back on the boat in time for some dinner. We discovered the wifi stretched to the mooring, so we spent some time writing emails and updating downloads and such. It’s been nice to be disconnected for the most part, but a little wifi every now and then is pretty nice too!
We always check the weather at night for the next day…I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count…
I don’t understand, is there fog or not????????
What a lovely cove you found your way into.