The Plan
The most common question we’ve gotten is where we’re going. As I (Patrick), have started sharing the web site to friends and colleagues, it seems like we should have something up about our destinations. Expect some updates in the next couple of weeks.
With a year, we really only have time for one “season” in the Caribbean, with some shoulder time. The trade winds are the seasonal breezes that bring sailors in a clockwise circuit around the Atlantic. Ships leave from Europe or Africa, heading for the Caribbean in late fall and continuing north to the US in late spring – all the while avoiding hurricane season. Summer is the time for crossing back to Europe, with the cycle ready to start again.
We are leaving a bit late to do a trans-Atlantic crossing. So, we will spend the summer in Maine, exploring some new places and visiting others from previous travels. Around Labor Day, we will head south for the Chesapeake to enjoy fall sailing there.
In the first week of November, we will join the Salty Dawg Rally from Virginia to Antigua. That will be our longest passage, likely 10-12 days. From Antigua, we will explore the Caribbean for the winter, likely heading south toward Grenada and working our way back north in the spring.
Overall, we are keeping our plans loose and following the sailing mantra: plans are to be made in the sand at low tide. It will be nice to let the wind dictate the schedule a bit more for this year.
Leave a comment or drop us a line if you have questions!