Little Cranberry Island
In the morning, we brought Oestara to the dock at Seal Harbor to give her topsides and deck a good washdown. We docked on one side, then left the dock and turned around to face the other way, so both sides were nice and clean. After we were happy with that, we headed just a short way south to Little Cranberry Island; we heard they had a few guest moorings available so thought we’d scope it out.

We did find a guest mooring, and headed to shore to check things out.

We went to the Islesford Historical Museum first, run by the National Park Service. They had some cool exhibits about what it was like to “summer” on the Cranberry Islands in the early 20th century, as well as about the fishing and lobstering trade.

A walk into “town” led us to the library, an art gallery, and the post office. There used to be a four-story hotel in town for summer visitors (in the 1920s and 30s) but it is no longer there.

We bought some stamps at the post office and made our way back down to the docks.

The clouds closed in as we settled back onto the boat.

We did a little route planning for the next few days, and watched the moon rise for the night.

What did the museum have in it?
The museum had a lot of old logbooks from boats, some fishing and lobstering equipment, old charts and maps…it was pretty neat!