Anchored at Green Turtle Cay
We were ready to head out to explore another island, and left Marsh Harbour in the morning on November 11, with a high-enough tide to not have any issues with depth, hooray us!

It was a super beautiful day as we headed out, and we all enjoyed the weather together.

We headed for Green Turtle Cay, with the intent to anchor outside one of the main sounds on the island for the night, and then head over to a marina the next day to ride out some weather coming later in the week.
The map below makes it look like an easy journey from Marsh Harbour at the bottom right up to Green Turtle in the upper left, but there are lots of shallows along the way to navigate around, and we also have to exit out to the Atlantic side and come back in through a notoriously difficult cut, again due to depths in between the islands.

We managed the route with no issues, though, and dropped the hook outside White Sound at Green Turtle around 11 am. Chris dove down to check our anchor set (all good!) and came back up asking if we had anything that could be used like a spear on board. We said “how about an actual spear?!” and handed over the spearfishing rig Patrick had purchased before we left.
A few minutes later, Chris reappeared, triumphant, with a lionfish on the spear. (Lionfish are invasive non-native species in the Bahamas, and should all be killed on sight!) We decided it would be too much trouble to clean it (those spikes are no joke) even though we’d heard they make a tasty ceviche…so we just made sure it was dead and returned it to the sea.

Tom and Chris went off to find adventures on shore, and wound up renting a golf cart to zip around the island. I think they may have tested out each of the bars they ran across. 🙂 Chris did send over this awesome photo while they were out and about.

Patrick took the dinghy in to meet up with them at some point, and then later in the day, they all dinghied back to the boat to collect me and Cecelia. We had plans to meet up with a few of the other Salty Dawg rally boats at a place called Pineapple’s.

Cecelia swam in the pool pretty much all evening, and the adults had a lot of fun catching up with the other cruisers and enjoying one too many (a few too many?!) rum punches. It was great to hear about how everyone’s crossing to the Bahamas went, and what their plans are for the season. Hopefully we’ll run across them in other ports, too!

That’s a pretty sunset!!!
Love Chris’ instant success with spearing a fish. He’s an innate survivalist.
Ain’t that the truth!