Easter in the Pineapple Cays
We made a final grocery and water run on March 30 and finally left Rock Sound at about 11 am. Whew! two weeks in one place is a lot. π Our next destination was a just few hours north: the Pineapple Cays.

We had our sails up before we left the harbor, and it was a slow downwind getting out of there.

Once we got up to Pineapple, we dropped the anchor and relaxed while we waited for our friends to make their way up from Rock Sound as well. We even caught another rocket launch later that night!

Easter morning, we woke up to a lovely day.

We had french toast for breakfast (a treat Cecelia loves), and Cecelia went on a scavenger hunt for her bunnies, which we had hidden all over the boat.

After that, we decided to go snorkeling off some of the rock outcroppings in the area. Patrick and Ridge (from Alpenglo) worked on some spearfishing, too. While we were out there checking things out, Buffalo V arrived in the anchorage and dinghied over to join us.

Back at the boat, we dyed eggs for Easter, and then headed over to Buffalo V for a tasty chili dinner.

Earlier in the day, a couple named Bonnie and Frank who have a house on shore here in the anchorage had dinghied over to the boat, and they invited us all for a bonfire on shore that night, so we headed over there after dinner. They are also sailors, from Plainwell, MI; Bonnie’s parents had bought a place here in the ’80s. Always fun to meet people and hear their stories!

Epic post…looks amazing.
Thanks Seth! We’re squeezing every last bit of fun in that we can before we head north again.