Center Harbor

We awoke in Bucks Harbor and checked the wind to see if it was a good day to sail down the Eggemoggin Reach.  As luck would have it, it was. 

The fish, which had been jumping constantly the night before, continued their antics as we readied the boat to leave. It was hard to catch on camera, but trust me, it was crazy!

We set our sights on Center Harbor and the Brooklin Boat Yard; not too far away but still an enjoyable sail. We again attempted the code zero but the wind rapidly moved out of the ideal angle range for that sail, so we had to put it away and pull out the jib instead.

Sailing under the bridge on the Reach is always a fun experience.

Center Harbor wasn’t too far past the bridge, and we knew the harbor would be full of pretty boats. The Brooklin Boat Yard, which has its home there, makes some beautiful yachts.

We dinghied to shore to walk into town; we had heard Brooklin had a fun little library.

After the library and some free wifi use, we walked across the street to the general store and got some snacks. Cecelia got a prize for her summer reading leaf as well – a small stuffed bunny she named Raspberry Rose.

We walked back to the boatyard after some drinks and snacks, and took note of some of the lovely trees and homes we passed.

This beautiful Brooklin Boat Yard-made boat caught our eye when we dinghied in earlier; there happened to be a boatyard employee on board who let us know the boat is actually for sale. Such a beautiful boat (so it’s been named well!)

We spent a beautiful and quiet evening in the harbor.

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