Thanksgiving (with turkey!) at Pete’s Pub

After we had fun on the beach at Soap Point, we pulled up the anchor and headed a short ways down to Little Harbour, where Pete’s Pub would be serving turkey dinners for Thanksgiving. We had made plans to meet up with Carole and Hugh from Carosy (another boat that took part in the Salty Dawg rally) to celebrate the holiday together.

The trip down there was uneventful, and we didn’t actually head into Little Harbour itself, as the entrance and mooring field were too shallow for us. We anchored outside of the harbor, knowing we could just dinghy around the point to the pub when it was dinner time.

We headed over to the pub a little earlier than dinnertime to check things out, and found a cool little cove off the inside of the harbor.

We went back into the main harbor, sorted out which place on shore was Pete’s, and headed in.

It was a beautiful night, if you could ignore the no-see-ums that seemed to love biting us up. Bug spray is just no match for those little beasts!

We had a great dinner and enjoyed great company!

So much to be thankful for this year, and we won’t forget this tropical turkey day celebration for many years to come.

2 Replies to “Thanksgiving (with turkey!) at Pete’s Pub”

  1. What a great celebration and I have to point out Cecilia’s creative talent! I can see a story book developing from her “Oestexperience”. What’s going to be her next hand animal😊😊😊

    1. Haha, she’s enjoying writing her posts for the Piglet Page every now and then. She will have to start providing more illustrations!

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