Moving on to Marion and Mattapoisett
Now it was time to get back through the Cape Cod Canal and into Buzzards Bay, so we could keep on heading south. Timing is important at the canal, so we got underway around 8:30 on the 27th, in order to be sure we’d catch a favorable tide once we got to the canal entrance.

Things did start clearing up as the morning went on, and our canal transit was pretty uneventful. We did, however, hear someone not too far behind us reporting over the radio to the Coast Guard that there was a whale in the canal! We did see a seal, but no whales.

We decided to stop overnight in Marion at the Beverly Yacht Club. Every other year there is a Newport-Bermuda race, and in the in between years, there is a Marion-Bermuda race. This is where that race starts!
Coming into the harbor, we saw a number of boats racing, which was fun.

It took a while to get a mooring assigned as the launch driver was quite busy, but eventually they found us a spot. We made it on shore later to check out the club, and the folks who had been racing were having a meeting that we listened in on as we sat by the bar. It was clear there was a long-standing and active racing community, and lots of women involved, too, which was nice to see.

The next morning we headed into the very small town for breakfast (excellent egg sandwiches at Kate’s!), and then checked out the local beach and houses on a rambling walk.

Back at the boat, we decided to head to the next harbor over, Mattapoisett, to wait out some rainy weather expected for the next couple of days.

In Mattapoisett we picked up a guest mooring from Brownell’s, which was close to the town dock. We walked into town and checked out a local dive bar, The Stowaway, which was a perfect break for our afternoon. Pretzel bites, cheap beer, and a jukebox.

Some fishing and a pretty sunset wrapped up our day.

The next day was not as stormy as predicted, but we stayed in port anyway. Cecelia worked on a puzzle for a few hours (thanks Tami! We loved seeing how they represented a bunch of the national parks).

We did spend some time at the library when it started to drizzle, and got a few more pictures of the pretty town houses and flowers as well. Now we’ve got to decide where we’ll head next!

Great post Melissa❣️
How many pieces were there in the puzzle?
This one was 500 pieces. Cecelia had it done pretty quickly!
I wonder where Cece got the Boston shirt from…. 🤣
me too…