Hatchet Bay Happenings
We spent a few days in Hatchet Bay, because it was a protected spot and some high winds would be coming through while we were there. The first day, we walked to the laundromat to do a whole lotta laundry, and we met up with a boat of Danish cruisers, Aquila.

The next day, we rented a car and drove to a bunch of places that we probably weren’t going to get to by boat.

Our first stop was a local farm stand called Hearty Mow Farms, run by Marilyn. We chatted with her for a while as she opened up her stand; we thought it was closed when we arrived, but she had just gotten sidetracked by baking and was happy to see us. She was also appalled that we had let our barracuda catch go and insisted we bring the next one to her to prepare for us. π We picked up some sweet breads and fresh veg and fruit while we were there.

Next we offroaded ourselves to a salt pond where we had heard you could snorkel and see a large population of seahorses! It’s being turned into a national park as well.
I did see one seahorse…and some cool long legged sea stars…but it was kind of a bust overall. Oh well!

We stopped at the Hatchet Bay Cave as well – which was just that, a big cave. Box checked. (The hermit crabs on the stairs were fun, though!)

We drove through Gregory Town and up to the Glass Window bridge – which is a tiny bridge that links northern and southern Eleuthera.

It was pretty neat to see the calm aqua waters of the Bight of Eleuthera on one side and the deep blue Atlantic waters on the other.

We climbed up the limestone rocks to get a better view.

You could really see both sides from higher up.

Definitely worth a stop!
We had lunch at Daddy Joe’s, a place that Ronnie at the service center in Spanish Wells had told us about. It was one of the nicest restaurants we’d been to so far, and had great food. Cecelia and Patrick played a game of pool afterward, too. Then we had more time to kill so decided to go on a longer drive to another farm stand: Island Farm in Palmetto Point. It was a great find; lots of veggies, greens, and sauces, as well as homemade breads. We picked a few tasty things up (olive bread! homemade granola!) and started to make our way back home.

We made one stop on our way, at Sunset Beach. This photo is not edited, I swear.

Sunset back in Hatchet Bay didn’t disappoint, either.

The next day was the windiest day, so we hunkered down in the boat and kept an eye on the anchor to make sure our holding was firm (it was). Cecelia helped me make some homemade oat/peanut butter/chocolate bars. We have to replace her addiction to Z bars somehow, as we’re going to run out of the ones we brought eventually! Cecelia also built some new shops and houses on Toca World (a game on her iPad she’s been really enjoying) and gave us tours of her creations.

Before we knew it, the day was done and we were turning in for the night.