Great Cranberry Island, and back to Southwest Harbor
The morning after the storm was beautiful, as so often seems to happen. We dropped the mooring at Abel’s and headed off for another of the Cranberry Islands, Great Cranberry Island. You can see in the photo above how the glacial valley shaped Somes Sound, taken as we headed south.

We made it to Great Cranberry and pulled a guest mooring (we do love the Cranberries for these free moorings!)

We dinghied to shore and got there at the same time as a barge dropping off a dump truck full of gravel. We saw the same truck three times while we were on shore, which means the truck + barge went back and forth to Southwest Harbor (we’re pretty sure) that many times to bring back another load.

We walked up the main road on Great Cranberry and found a local cafe where we grabbed some lunch. We also checked out the library (not much there to report), and Cecelia tried out the slack line that was rigged outside the school.

Not much going on on the island, except for the lunchtime crowd at the cafe. We enjoyed the walk, though, and even spotted some deer! Back on board, Patrick tried to math out whether or not we could fit lithium batteries into our existing battery compartment. (Verdict is still out…but maybe.)

We also decided to use the hotspot that night to finally try out our projector and have a little family Netflix time.

The next day we made the short hop back to Southwest Harbor and ventured into town for errands.

Later in the day, we found a spot on the south side of the harbor, Peter Trout’s Tavern, where we went to have a drink and a snack in the afternoon….and that turned into dinner, as we enjoyed it so much!

The evening was beautiful in the harbor, too.

We took the dinghy on a little tour to enjoy the evening colors while the sun sank lower. During our tour, we met Lisa on S/V Marite; she and her husband lived aboard for 10 years and are now back on land. Always cool to meet folks who have lived on boats for any length of time!

I was wondering where Bunny went?❤️
Bunny is still around! She goes with us lots of places and is learning a lot about sailing.
Who’s that bearded dude, he looks like a sailor!
Doesn’t he, though? 🙂