Bar Harbor visit #2, and yet another stop at LCI
We got up early on the 13th to leave Winter Harbor and motor over to Bar Harbor for a rendezvous with the Saffers. They were passing through on their way to Nova Scotia with their camper trailer! It was a grey and rainy morning but we were excited to get there and see friends.

Luckily it cleared up a little by the time we got to shore to meet the Saffers. We went for a walk along the shore path. Cecelia, Mason, and Maya were so happy to see each other! They enjoyed climbing on the rocky cliffs, and especially testing their strength on Balance Rock. (It’s been there since the ice age…pretty sure it’s not going anywhere!)

We all went for breakfast together after our walk, and then they had to get back to their campsite and get back on the road. Saffers, it was great to see you!
We did a ton of laundry that afternoon (no photos; just lots of schlepping) and then we treated Cecelia to the Barbie movie that night. (It was so fun; go see it!)

The fog rolled in in a crazy way as we made our way back to the boat. It looked like the islands were sitting in clouds!

On the 14th, we stocked up on groceries and then decided to head back to Little Cranberry Island, just because it’s a nice place to hang out on the mooring. The weather was much better than the day before, too! We didn’t do much once we were there, but here are some nice shots of the scenery on the way there, and of sundown too. Enjoy!

What do you think is the best part of the Barbie movie?
The very beginning!