Anchoring out
We left Solomons on the morning of the 17th, and headed south, to anchor for a night in a quiet creek off the Potomac River.

The next morning this boat was doing his thing nearby.

We decided to head for Crisfield, MD across the bay, but on the way there, changed our minds and diverted to Deltaville, VA for the night.

We anchored near the Deltaville Marina and dinghied to shore to walk to the Napa Auto Parts (sometimes our excursions are just so exotic!) to pick up some oil and an oil filter, because of a faulty seal on our current filter. It was the cause of much consternation while we were underway. The guys at Napa couldn’t have been nicer, and even gave us a discount on the filter due to its ridiculously high sticker price. Gotta love the south.

We headed back out to the boat to clean up the oil filter mess, and then settled in for the night.