Visiting the mitten, filling up storage, and a surprise at school

One of our wrap up tasks before we set sail was to drop our F-150 off in Michigan – Patrick’s brother is going to take care of the truck for us while we’re gone. (Hey, Paul, let’s keep the deer encounters down this year, ok?) We made the 11-hour run to Grand Rapids in early June to see some of Patrick’s family and drop the truck. It was great to catch up with Uncle Keith and Aunt Nancy, and Grandma and Grandpa too. We even went for a walk with Grandma and Grandpa to town to get ice cream, and there were lots of cool paths and bridges through the trees that Cecelia enjoyed checking out.

There was also some bush hogging with Grandpa, and Grandma made Cecelia a birthday cake! We packed lots of fun into a very quick visit.

A few days after we returned, truck-less (which felt kind of wild!), to Jersey City, the movers came to get all the things we’re keeping longer term and move them into a storage unit. We had everything ready to go, and the fantastic team of movers (thanks, Metropolis!) had the moving truck loaded up in a jiffy and headed off to storage. I drove out to the unit to meet them, and they tetris-ed all our stuff into a 10×25 space.

We feel pretty relieved that all the boxes and most of our furniture items are out of the house. It’s kind of echo-ey in here now, but it just means we’re that much closer to getting on the boat and going sailing!

At the end of the week, Patrick and I made a surprise appearance at Cecelia’s school to give a presentation on the adventure we have planned for next year. It was a lot of fun going through pictures of the boat, looking at charts together, showing them Cecelia’s lifejacket, explaining how aerodynamic lift works on sails, and fielding their excellent questions about living on the water, sailing, sharks, and the infamous Bermuda Triangle.

It was a busy week for sure! We now have a couple of celebrations and just a little bit of cleaning and packing left to do before we leave for the boat. Our days in Jersey City are growing short!

9 Replies to “Visiting the mitten, filling up storage, and a surprise at school”

  1. So excited to follow y’all as you make this epic journey. Anchors away, may the wind always fill your sails.

    Phyllis and David

  2. This is so exciting and a dream for me to do as well. Can’t wait to see your adventures and your itinerary. Stay safe!

  3. Y’all’s Boat is so roomy and lovey,
    We are looking forward to seeing all your great pictures and hearing about your travels. So exciting

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