Seeing friends in beautiful Newport
We spent quite a few days in Newport, taking advantage of a tried-and-true familiar spot to see a handful of friends, accomplish some boat projects, and generally get ourselves and the boat back in order and ready for the next leg of our journey.
We did more things than I can capture here, and photos didn’t take priority on most days, but I’ll highlight a few of our adventures / friend visits in this post, and recap our boat projects on another day.
Patrick and Cecelia took a little motorboat tour with our friend Beatrice one beautiful blue morning.

Then they went for a daddy/daughter Thai lunch and took a trip to the Sailing Museum (which got rave reviews from both Cecelia and Patrick, so go check it out!)

Our friend Chris, who will join us for the Virginia-to-Antigua journey, came with us to a Ravers (local reggae band) concert at Fort Adams one night. The setting couldn’t have been more picturesque.

A friend of Melissa’s from college (another Chris!) met us on the hill for drinks one night, and he and Cecelia made dandelion wishes together. Another friend and former work colleague, Marc, stopped by to have lunch with us on his way up to Maine. It’s clearly a hard life here in Newport.

The grounds of Harbour Court were in full late summer splendor while we were there.

Some pretty sunsets and moonrises topped it all off.

Looks like a great time, in beautiful settings!
Yes! It’s a favorite destination of ours for sure.