Checking out Cat Island
On January 19, we got up early, got the code zero ready, and raised our anchor. It was time to move on, with a 40+ mile journey to Cat Island ahead for the day.

We tried to sail at first, but too much swell in the sound kept our sails flogging as we shifted from side to side. We doused the sails and motored for a while, and eventually the wind shifted to allow us to put up the main and the code with the wind at about 90-100 degrees apparent. It was smoother sailing from then on.

We had a pretty uneventful trip up to Cat, and pulled into New Bight behind a few other boats. Everyone went for a swim to wash off the day of motoring and sailing. Cecelia decided to try diving on the anchor with Patrick and loved it.

We headed to shore for drinks and a delicious quesadilla (something different to eat!!!) at Tingum Dem, then later snagged some fried chicken for dinner down at the town’s regatta site, and managed to get an ice cream at Gibby’s right as the owner was closing things down (she happily dished out a $2 ice cream cone for Cecelia, who was totally thrilled).

The next day, we headed back to town to do laundry, which was a a short hike from the beach over by the regatta site. While I sat with the laundry, Patrick and Cecelia went to the market and also scored some ribs for lunch (and now I can highly recommend adding coconut rum to your rib sauce!)

Later that day, we met up with Ben and Lise on Ragged Dragon, Carl on Pelican, and Tom and Anna on Senora, and took them over to Gibby’s and Annie’s at the regatta site for some sundowners. It was great to see Ragged Dragon and Pelican again, and to meet Senora, and we all had a bunch of laughs together. Not a bad start to our time on Cat Island!