Birthday fun in Man-O-War
We woke before dawn to early morning thunderstorms (loud ones!) and eventually got out of bed to check things out. We noticed as we surveyed the anchorage that we recognized the boat anchored behind us, which hadn’t been there during daylight the night before. It was Off Piste, a HH50 catamaran whose owners we had met in Rye last fall. I texted Tyffanee to say hey, y’all are right behind us! — and they invited us over for coffee. We dinghied over and wound up hanging out for the morning, while Patrick helped Harry with some chartplotter issues he’d been having. The rest of us played games and had lunch while the troubleshooting continued.

Eventually we wrapped it up, said “see you next time,” shared some hugs, and headed back to Oestara. We pulled up the anchor and headed over to Man-O-War Cay around 1:30. We and Buffalo V and Alpenglo had planned to meet there to celebrate Camy’s birthday!

Buffalo V arrived at Man-O-War shortly after us, and Prestley called Cecelia on the radio to see if she wanted to come over.

Roddy and Prestley came over in their dinghy to get Cecelia and head back to Buffalo V to hang out.

We had drinks with everyone at the great little hut on the beach, and then disbanded to have dinner on our own boats.

After dinner, we all convened for a birthday party after dinner at Buffalo V for Camy. Between the massive Farkle game, multiple sing-alongs, and just general merriment, it was a fun night for all. Happy Birthday, Camy!